• Listen to your body and proceed at your own pace, regardless of what other participants are doing. Drink water before class and stay hydrated during class.

  • Daily is ideal! Yoga must be practiced on a regular basis with no long lapses of time in between lessons to be effective. If you are new, a minimum of 10 classes in 30 days is recommended. Once you start practicing regularly, you will be more motivated to do yoga. Not only is it fun, but it works! The time and effort you put in will return to you tenfold return.

  • Create an account on the YHC MindBody website by clicking here.

    Your email address will never be shared with anyone. You may opt out of news and promotions on your personal profile. Please enable text alerts for schedule changes and account management.

  • YHC has changing rooms and free lockers for men and women. The women’s changing room has 4 shower stalls and the men’s changing room has 2 shower stalls.

  • We recommend arriving 15 -20 minutes early, and NO late students will be allowed into class. Door will be locked when class begins. Please allow for extra travel time to arrive to the center due to traffic and parking.

  • 60 or 75 minutes

  • Class sizes vary. Also, each of our three studios has a different capacity. In general, there are 20-35 students in a class.

  • Check-in at the outside door at the main entrance or at the front desk.

  • Bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and any yoga props. Weights and blankets are available in a closet near the studios. The water station is near the bathrooms.

    If you plan to take a shower on site, bring a towel and change of clothes. We provide shampoo and soap pumps in each shower stall.

    If you forget to bring something, are visiting, or trying yoga for the first time, there are two rental kiosks filled with mats, mat towels, face towels, shower towels and water for your convenience.

New Member FAQs

  • It has come to our attention that some YHC members are not showing up to classes for which they have registered. You will be charged a fee of $10 if you: 1) sign up for an in-studio class and do not show up, or 2) cancel less than 1 hour prior to the class start time.

    Please cancel at least 24 hours in advance. Filling reserved spots is vital to keep YHC operating and allows our teachers to plan accordingly - thank you!

    1st time: warning/reminder.

    2nd and all subsequent time(s): $10.00 per class.

    No Show & Late Cancellation Fee = $10. *If a cancellation takes place within 1 hour of the start time of class.

    *If you miss an in-person reservation without cancelling. The class fee (drop-ins and class passes) will also be deducted from from your account.

  • 15 day written notice is required to cancel a membership

  • We are fortunate to be able to offer waitlists for classes where the number of students exceeds the allotted space in a class. Waitlists apply to in-studio classes.

    There are a limited amount of waiting list spots available for each class, and if you are added to the class/event, then you will be notified via email and/or text to confirm your reservation.

    Please note that Yoga Health Center MBO notifications must be ENABLED to receive these notifications. To turn on these notifications, log into your YHC MBO account and select Profile/ Personal.

    If you're on the waiting list, wait for the alert that the waitlist has cleared. We do not recommend showing up without this because there is no guarantee you will be allowed there will be space for you in the class.

    Waitlists are a highly valued, extra service that we provide. Using them requires that you reply to your notifications once you get off the waitlist and into class. And, they require that you take yourself off of a waitlist if your plans have changed. You can do this, either by waking up early enough to check to see if you got into the class, or remove your name from the waitlist the night before if you no longer want to take the class. Allow your YHC friends to have your place in class. The next time it might be you who will be delighted by coming off a waitlist!

    The same close attention that you give to pre-registering and canceling classes applies to waitlisting. If you can not follow up or track your waitlists, then please do not use them. To use the waitlist, you must have your text notification turned on in your MindBody account.

    Whether you are on a waitlist or are one of the fortunate students coming off the waitlist and into class, there is a responsibility to follow through when your status changes.

    This is the text similar to the one you'll receive if you make it off the waitlist and into class. ‘You've been added to In Studio 1 - 60 mins. HOT26+ Yoga. w/ Regina @ 7:00 AM on "date" @ Yoga Health Center. Text "Y" to attend, "N" to decline, or "STOP" to unsubscribe. Msg & data rates may apply.’

  • Please email help@yogahealthcenter.com and if there still are issues then please call MBO to assist at: 877-755-4279 Yoga Health Center Site ID: 133

  • Leave your shoes outside all the studios.

    Turn off your cell phone or put on silent.

    Use a locker in the locker room or a small "valuable locker" to store your phone, car keys and/or wallet. Phones and/or earbuds are not allowed in the studio.

    Please be silent once the class begins and throughout class so the teacher can safely guide you and all students can experience a peaceful class.

    Refrain from asking questions to the teacher or aimed at other students during class. Asking questions during class interrupts the flow and timing of the class for everyone. If necessary, follow-up with the teacher after class for clarification about things demonstrated or said during class. In general, our teachers are available for 5-10 minutes after class to answer your questions. If you want to schedule more time with them, please arrange for a private lesson or private consultation.

    Please return props neatly to the prop room, take all your belongings and exit the studio quietly.

  • Our website, onsite notices and email will keep you up to date on YHC happenings. If you provided YHC your email address and have not heard from us in 2-3 weeks, contact YHC or visit the email sign up sheet at the studio. We can also download our app.

  • All memberships are auto-billing purchases and require a valid credit card to be on file and processed for the duration of the membership, then month to month. A written email to membership@yogahealthcenter.com is required for cancellation.

  • We take a mandatory headshot photo for all new students to identify you in our software. This is for internal use only. Photo is required prior to taking class.

  • All class and membership purchases are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be shared.

    There are no holds, freezes or extensions of classes or promotions.

Policies & Procedures FAQs

  • Mat - HOT26+, Yinyasa, Power, Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin, Restorative, Therapeutic Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Strengthen Stretch and Release, YogaLates, Mat Pilates, Qi-Gong, Inferno Hot Pilates and more.

    Hot yoga helps increase your flexibility and allows you to go deeper without without suffering injury. It also flushes out toxins and promotes circulation and relaxation.

    View Full Class Descriptions

  • Mat - Modern Hatha, Yin Yoga, Meridian, Yoga Nidra, Strengthen Stretch and Release, Yogalates, Mat Pilates, Qi-Gong, Flow Yoga, Hot26+ (60 minute)

  • Create an account on the YHC MBO website by clicking here.

    Your email address will never be shared with anyone. You may opt out of news and promotions on your personal profile. Please enable text alerts for schedule changes and account management.

  • Yes. One-on-one sessions can be scheduled and are available for purchase as a single session, 3 sessions or 5 sessions.

  • Yoga Health Center MindBody Desktop (Laptop/PC)

    MindBody APP

    Fitgrid APP

    Yoga Health Center APP

Classes & Scheduling FAQs

  • Heat helps increase your flexibility and allows you to go deeper without without injury. It also flushes out toxins and promotes circulation and relaxation.

  • We will conduct outdoor classes up to 125 for yoga and 100 for core fit, air quality index (AQI). However, use your own judgment when considering attending a class. For EPA guidance click here.

  • Please consult a medical practitioner or your healthcare provider before you start any new exercise regime.

  • Ideally, it’s best to be free of any expectations so that you can fully enjoy your experience. However, many people do feel nervous since it's their first time. That is natural. It’s helpful to bring an open mind so that you can learn the breathing techniques and have fun moving through the series of poses. Always arrive on time at least 10 minutes before class in the room to set yourself up for success and ease.

Nutrition & Wellness FAQs

  • Classes can be purchased as single sessions, 5 sessions or 10 sessions. An annual membership allows for unlimited classes.

    All memberships are auto-billed and require a valid credit card on file for the duration of membership. Membership fees are billed month to month. Membership is non-refundable & non-transferable.

  • Discounts are available for military, seniors and youth aged 15-18. Discounts are also offered for those employed in public service.

Pricing & Payment FAQs

  • Studio 1 = Hot26+ (60, 75, 90 mins), inferno hot pilates, power vinyasa.

    Studio 2 = Iyengar and wall classes, power vinyasa, yoga fusion, yin, core sculpt, restorative, therapeutic yoga.

    Studio 3 = yogalattes, power vinyasa, yin, core sculpt, qigong, Val’s Vibe Workout

  • Yoga Health Center is located in downtown San Carlos on the corner of Cherry & Laurel Streets, above Peet's Coffee.

  • There is free 2 hour parking on the streets near Yoga Health Center and in the back parking lot where our main entrance is located.

    Additional 2 hour parking is available in the Wheeler Plaza two story parking lot with entrance off of Walnut Street. Exit by foot onto Laurel Street and walk one block south.

    If our main parking lot directly behind YHC is full, then check the nearby streets, including El Camino, which all have no charge, free 2 hour parking.

    There is 2-hour underground parking at the library on Elm St. two blocks away.

    There is no charge, 3 hour public parking, upper level SamTrans garage on San Carlos Ave.

    There are 4 no charge parking lots within a 3-7 minute walk of the studio.

    There is little to no problem parking directly behind the studio for morning classes including;

    6:00, 8:00 and 9:15 AM’s - weekdays

    11:00 & 11:15 AM’s – weekdays

    7:00 and 9 AM’s on the weekend

    Look at the schedule and time your arrival when students are leaving previous class(es) if you want to park near to the studio.

Equipment & Facilities FAQs

  • At Yoga Health Center, we offer various workshops. Click on Schedule (insert link here) menu item. When a workshop is scheduled it will display under that link. You can also subscribe to our email newsletters, at the bottom of every web page. Also follow us on Instagram (@goyhc) and Facebook to stay informed.

Special Events FAQs

  • We are proud to say that we have very highly qualified teachers, some of the best! Our teachers and instructors are Yoga Alliance and Fitness certified.

Instructor Qualification FAQs

  • Log our of Mindbody and log back in.

Video on Demand FAQs