Yoga & Fitness Classes

Full Schedule

For all classes, you must Register (Book) before class! And, Check In upon arrival.

  • When you Register before class it ensures you a place in the class

  • Get to the studio at least 20 minutes before the class start time. This will help ensure a positive experience.

  • Please turn off all electronics including your cell phone, smart watch, etc.

  • We do not allow late arrivals. It's far too stressful for our community and disrupts the teacher and the entire class. Outside doors lock at start of each class.

Featured Class:
Forest Bathing

Every Wednesday, 6-7:15pm

Led by Shannon in Stulsaft Park, Redwood City

Create inner calm with a mid-week nature immersion reset at Stulsaft Park in Redwood City!

Experience the Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) to boost mood, reduce stress, improve sleep and enhance vitality. Each session will include intention setting, some gentle stretching and breathing, slow mindful walking and a seated meditation. Suitable for beginners. Bring water, dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes and have a ground blanket. Register ahead of time on our goyhc app or our MindBody schedule.

New here? Welcome!